BTW: Don’t grouse – our policies are prayerful
At the Jakarta
floods deepened politicians praised the gotong
royong values shown by residents struggling against the rushing waters.
Meanwhile in coastal towns around Sydney and Melbourne the
same cheer was being sent to citizens fleeing devastating bushfires: Applause for ‘communities’ self-help spirit’.
“These natural events have happened before, and we’ve pulled
through,’ said the elected leaders in both countries. ‘Our thoughts and prayers
are with you. Be patient.’
They larded sermons with statements about national
resilience, cooperation and mutual aid as though these human qualities are
confined within borders drawn on maps.
For a moment such declarations felt comforting till the victims realized what’s
missing: Money and clear policies.
Remember the fury of Florida
student Sarah Chadwick demanding a review of gun laws after 17 people were shot
dead at her school? In 2018 she told President Donald Trump: ‘I don’t want your
condolences …do something instead of sending prayers.’
Could the floods and fires have been prevented? Probably not but their severity might have
been lessened if the threats had been taken seriously long ago and responders
better prepared.
Urban planners say housing should not have been allowed in Jakarta’s low-lying
areas, while regular dredging of rivers and raising levees would have helped
reduce damage and death.
In Australia’s
federal system the States have their own emergency services; the national
government stepped in only weeks after what oldtimers call ‘The Red Steer’ had run
amuck. Eventually Canberra ordered the army and navy to help
and announced plans to buy more water bombers.
In a few more weeks the dry season will arrive in the
archipelago and the winter rains start in Australia. The mud and ash will disappear. We’ll be busy
celebrating 75 years of independence, covering the scars with red-and-white
Down Under the resilient eucalyptus will turn black forests
green; kangaroos which out-hopped the flames will repopulate the paddocks. Memories
of the furnace times will dampen and with them the plans to ensure next year
will be different.
Whether the natural disasters are linked to global warming
has become a heavyweight debate, dividing both nations into climate change
deniers and advocates. The issues are
complex and clouded by partisan disinformation.
Both countries mine, burn and export coal, alleged to be the
villain. The power industry lobby is as
strong and influential as its name suggests. It’s difficult to tell who’s right when vision
is impaired by smoke and mirrors, so the need for clear and factual information
is even more essential.
So who’s going to ‘keep the bastards honest’, as Australians
say? Last year’s surprise win by the
Liberal-National Party coalition has left the Labor Party in such disarray that
it has yet to muster the energy to constructively criticize government policies.
In Indonesia
President Joko Widodo has brought so many parties into his government there’s
no effective opposition left.
That leaves the media as the reminder of responsibilities. Politicians who fear scrutiny turn to shooting
messengers. In 2018 a new Indonesian law was passed threatening charges against anyone who ‘disrespects
parliament or its members’.
In Australia
a proposed ‘Integrity Commission’ to investigate corruption won’t have the
power to make findings against politicians and their staff. Which makes the
elected members of both democracies protected species.
Politicians like Donald Trump urge the public to ignore the
media’s non-stop nagging. It’s boring,
negative, depressing. They want us to be
distractors, screening vacuous celebrities and trite quiz shows. These are easy to absorb – and cheaper to telecast.
Harry and Meghan only fled the Queen’s displeasure but seem
to have been getting more attention than those escaping nature’s wrath.
Roman poet Juvenal set the policy 1,800
years before TV: Panem et circenses –
bread and circuses. Keep the masses
amused and they’ll forget crises.
Editor of The
Conversation Misha
Ketchell wrote: ‘The fourth estate has a
crucial role in holding power to account.
… ‘pretty much every media organisation is struggling with
precarious funding… time they once spent scaring the wits out of politicians
and business leaders is now spent fighting for survival.’
The Conversation
is one bright hope: It’s an Australian
commentary website which also publishes Indonesian experts in Indonesian. Academics write on political and social
issues – then sub-editors strip out the gibberish and make the gurus’ often prolix
prose digestible.
In the past decade more than 3,000 Oz hacks have been ‘let go’ as newsrooms ‘downsize’. Many end up as spin doctors; there are now more people in public relations than journalism.
In Indonesia reporters lose more than their jobs: ten have been killed since 1992 according to the international Committee to Protect Journalists.
has numerous world-class media workers driven by the belief that the public has
a right to know and ready to risk all to tell the truth. Others, in both countries, are beholden to
proprietors waist deep in politics.
Unfortunately the Republic has no equivalent to the independent
broadcasting corporations in Britain,
Australia, South Africa and Canada, and the US Public
Broadcasting Service.
Without independent and fearless journalists badgering the
betrayers, standby for more floods and fires this time next year. They’ll come with promises and prayers. At
least these are being recycled. Duncan Graham
First published in The Jakarta Post 1 February 2020
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