The Wisdom of a

Thankfully Elizabeth Pisani is now back at her public health
consultancy in London.
Had she remained in Indonesia a chance encounter in some
remote village could have tempted some despairing hack to spike her drink with
a potion strong enough to scramble her syntax.
How else to make the author of Indonesia Etc. understand the envy of others? The lady’s an American epidemiologist. What
business does a lab rat in a white coat have revealing the archipelago’s mysteries
and contradictions with lavish applications of clarity, wit and style?
Note to Immigration: Ban this woman to protect the vapid mutterings
of resident writers recycling shadow puppet metaphors and ‘dark forces’
Yet Dr Pisani wasn’t always at home among the viruses. Before shaking test tubes she was shaking up Reuters’
office in Jakarta. That was in 1988 when
it seemed that sphinx Soeharto would remain forever.
The newbie was 24 and had studied Chinese at Oxford
University. She’d backpacked five years
earlier and found the Republic “somewhat schizophrenic”. She added Indonesian
to her other languages.
She was also gifted with gall – an essential quality for all
serious reporters. At a cocktail party she confronted General Benny Moerdani and
asked if she was being denied access to Aceh because the military was killing
She got her pass, though looking back such effrontery now
makes her feel “queasy”. The Defense Minister had overseen the extra-judicial
killing of criminals in Java and was “not a man to be crossed lightly”.
Why didn’t her editors superglue this multi-faceted gem to
her keyboard? Maybe they felt
threatened. Perhaps the journalism on
offer didn’t provide sufficient intellectual excitement. Interviewing humbugs is a downside of the
So she returned to university and shifted to public health,
becoming an international expert on AIDS. In Indonesia she worked with the
Ministry of Health.
Her 2008 book The
Wisdom of Whores was a kick in the groin to those arguing for a moral approach
to stop the spread of sex diseases. Unsurprisingly her views haven’t been well
received by the Just Say No ideologues.
Earlier this decade she took time out from talking HIV to
revisit Indonesia and upload her tales while travelling. Those fortunate enough
to have found her blog will be delighted to know her insights have been
enhanced and pressed between hard covers.
Unfortunately the book is being promoted as a list of quirky
encounters, which is wrong. It’s much deeper and far more substantial;
entertaining without being trite, informative yet never tiresome.
The title refers to Indonesia’s Declaration of Independence. This should have been a magisterial statement
hewn from the granite mountains of soaring hopes. Sadly we get foothill prose: ‘Matters
relating to the transfer of power etc. will be executed carefully and as soon
as possible.’
“Indonesia has been working on that ‘etc’ ever since,” Dr
Pisani notes. Indeed. The 1945 event was
momentous and the resolve grand but the document remains a work in progress.
Travel writing is rarely done well. Proof is on Internet
sites where tourists rabbit on about their experiences. These tell more about the paucity of
visitors’ vocabularies than their appreciation of history and culture. ‘Superb’,
‘very nice’ and ‘just lovely’ add nothing to our understanding of difference.
That’s not the case with Indonesia
Etc. Although built round the author’s 13 month wanderings west from Papua,
the references to her earlier experiences as a reporter, including revisiting
interviewees, give her surveys substance.
With her language and people skills she knows how to get
inside stories, yet after several months of back country frustrations she was
almost ready to give up. Paradoxically
such honesty gives her work more authority.
Twenty years earlier in Aceh she’d been criticised by both
sides in the brutal civil war for allegedly biased reporting. Now she sees
former enemies embrace and is stunned by the turnaround. “This really did my head in,” she writes. “It’s like a senior Israeli general becoming
campaign manager for Hezbollah.”
But this recalibration of relationships is classic
Indonesian, and seldom understood by outsiders. Likewise with corruption: “Patronage
is the price of unity.” That will jar with Transparency International. “Adat (traditional
customary law) and education are incompatible,” will rile anthropologists but this
writer can stand her ground.
Anecdotes illuminate wisdoms, reveal truths. Some are funny – like the Intel
(intelligence) operator who calls her hotel room to ask if she’s seen the
skeleton key he lost. Many are just plain sad.
Other arts include the ability to make statistics memorable. On infrastructure: “Even landlocked countries such as Zimbabwe,
Switzerland and Botswana reported better access to ports.”
On communications: “Around 64 million Indonesians use
Facebook – that’s more than the entire population of the UK. But 80 million live without electricity (all
of Germany) and 110 million live on less than two dollars a day (all of Mexico).”
This is the book that probes Indonesia without destroying the
allure. It’s written breezily by a
“hard-drinking occasional smoker who could flirt at a bar in several languages
and was competitive, even in yoga”, yet retains academic authority. Outraged by some apparently flippant
aside? If there’s no supporting
reference in the text it will be on her website.
Making this book so valuable is the author’s candour. Yes, the people can be a delight and the land
is often lovely, but those who step off the tourist track know other paths are
not so pleasant. Her particular dislikes include dissembling politicians and
hoons hanging around to exploit the weak.
Dr Pisani is neither Pollyanna nor pessimist. “Like all Bad
Boyfriends Indonesia certainly has its downsides,” she writes before taking a
swipe at corrupt cops, bastard bureaucrats and capricious governments.
“But Indonesia’s upsides – the openness, the pragmatism, the
generosity of its people, their relaxed attitude to life – are ultimately the
more seductive traits, and the more important.”
(First published in The Jakarta Post 4 August 2014)
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