Few facts in media
wasteland Duncan
Indonesians who remember the bleak times when autocrat
Soeharto imprisoned the nation’s press are pinch-me amazed at the media
freedoms they now enjoy.
Those too young to know must rely on research organisations,
like the US-government funded Freedom House.
It reports that Indonesia’s ‘media environment continues to rank among
the most vibrant and open in the region.’
Delete the qualifier ‘rank among’. In Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia the
government-controlled, and often owned, media is anaesthetically bland.
In communist countries like Vietnam and Laos the media is
back-to-back pronouncements on what fine things the government is doing to
benefit the people – without the opinions of those people being heard.

Criticism and dissent is contrived and directed, like the
so-called protests (above) in Hanoi
and elsewhere against Chinese gas-drilling in a disputed area of the South
China Sea. (Clue: Be suspicious of demonstrators carrying professionally-made
banners in perfect English.)
In Thailand the press was relatively open (though not to
criticise the Royal Family) till the May coup put the military in charge of the
None of these nasties operate in Indonesia. There have been defamation threats and some
have made court with mixed results; ten journalists have been killed since 1992,
and anti-pornography laws are shutting out videos on serious issues posted on
sites like Vimeo. But overall it’s better to be a news consumer in the
archipelago than anywhere else in the region.
This is democracy, but it’s being corrupted by self interest
as media heavyweights use their enormous power and money to influence electors
in the 9 July direct people’s poll to install a president for the next five
Bias is nothing new, as Rupert Murdoch has shown in
Australia with News Limited’s blatant opposition to the Julia Gillard’s
government and backing for Tony Abbott. Robust stuff, but amateur hour when
compared to the misrepresentations, fabrications and distortion of ‘news’ now
underway in the Republic.
In Australia voters are generally educated and question news
sources. They also have widespread access to multiple media outlets where other
views get aired.
This is not a good time for professional journalism in Indonesia
as media owners blatantly use their toys for self promotion. A recent gross example had a picture of the
politically ambitious Minister for State Owned Enterprises Dahlan Iskan on page
one of the Jawa Pos plus an op-ed
linking him to Singapore’s former leader Lee Kuan Yew.
Dahlan owns the paper, which has the second largest
circulation in the country. (Kompas
is first). The Jawa Pos group has more than 100 dailies across the nation.
Surya Paloh owns Metro TV and the Media Indonesia daily. He also
chairs NasDem, the minority party now supporting the PDI-P’s Joko Widodo
(‘Jokowi’) (below) in his bid for the

Metro is a 24-hour news channel and it’s dominated by the
former Jakarta Governor’s frequently flat speeches. These are then given yeast
by ‘political observers’ who seldom disclose their leanings or patrons.
It’s the same at MNCTV, RCTI and Global TV, free-to-air
channels owned by Hary Tanoesoedibjo. He’s Indonesia’s James Packer, a man with
such a heavy wallet he makes Clive Palmer look like a slim beneficiary.
Hary is backing Jokowi’s rival, the disgraced former
Kopassus (Special Forces) general Prabowo Subianto who quit the army after
being charged with exceeding his authority during the 1998 crisis that led to
Soeharto’s downfall.
Then there’s the Viva Group which runs two channels, TVOne
and ANTV. These are owned by the Bakrie
Group whose paterfamilias Aburizal Bakrie (‘Ical’) leads Golkar, the nation’s
most powerful and best organised party built by Soeharto as his political fortress.
Bakrie strove mightily to top the parapets but that ambition
was thwarted by lack of popular support; he too has turned to back Prabowo, buttressing
defences against Jokowi in the DPR (Legislative Assembly).
None of this partiality would matter much in a well-informed
electorate with easy access to choice.
But Indonesians rely on television for information, which Soeharto
cleverly ensured with the Palapa One satellite launch in 1975.
At that time when many Australians in remote country towns had
no TV access (the government had chosen terrestrial transmission), Indonesian
peasants in volcano villages and coral islets were cradled by TVRI, the
government channel.
That’s where they learned how the world worked, as
determined by Pak Harto in Jakarta. Among his policies was SARA, a ban on
public discussion of ethnic, religious or race issues. Alternative ideas or
views were also taboo.
The tradition remains. Indonesia is a country where people
prefer to watch, not read. Flickering images trump ideas. Kompas,
the most credible and professional newspaper, sells just half a million copies
daily to a population of 240 million. (The Herald
Sun sells that number in Victoria alone.)
The Internet is unavailable or unreliable beyond the urban
sprawl. In this media wasteland television dominates all vistas, every plain.
Research conducted by political scientist Djayadi Hanan and
his colleagues at the University of Paramadina shows 80 per cent of Indonesians
rely on TV for their news. Paradoxically this doesn’t mean news stations like
Metro are popular, garnering only three per cent of the audience, primarily
A-class urban viewers.
Bakrie’s two channels do better, but Hary Tanoesoedibjo
excels because his stations telecast quizzes, slapstick comedies and sinetron. These are the plot-thin, absurdly
popular soap operas that keep millions on edge. Will the wife discover the
Bapak’s mistress? The loudmouth maid
already knows and she has a toxic tongue.
She’s not alone. The political poison is already at spring
tide. In a tropical version of the
Barack Obama birthing debate, Jokowi has published his marriage certificate to
prove he’s not a half-Chinese Christian but a Javanese-born Muslim and
therefore fit to lead a multi-ethnic and supposedly secular nation with pluralist
Surprisingly he hasn’t faced demands to unzip and show he’s
been circumcised. Well, not yet.
On the other side it’s rumoured that Prabowo was emasculated
in a shooting accident. This is why his
wife, Siti Hediyati Hariyadi, fourth child of Soeharto, quietly filed for
divorce after her father quit office, and why the old soldier never remarried.
What’s true and what’s vile scuttlebutt? The absence of independent
fact-checking mainstream media staffed by fearless journalists is doing a disservice
to the electors of Indonesia who sorely need an ABC.
A major Ford Foundation funded report compiled by
international researchers led by
Yanuar Nugroho of Manchester University, titled Mapping the Landscape of the Media Industry in Contemporary Indonesia, concluded:
‘There is an
increasingly common perception that these media owners’ interests have
endangered citizens’ rights to media, since they are using their media as a
political campaign tool to influence public opinion.
’Our research finds that
media owners turn the media into a simple commodity, with
the audience being treated as mere consumers rather than
rightful citizens.’
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