Determined doctor on a mission
If it wasn’t for her giant backpack Sari Mutia Timur, a woman of slight build even by Indonesian standards, would be easily overlooked.
Which would be a mistake for she could save your life, not just with her medical skills but also through the message she carries.
For Dr Sari is a disaster response worker and educator, work that’s now getting recognised as an academic disciple abroad.
She’s also a no-nonsense operator, more interested in the big picture than small talk or what people think of her. Though weighed down like a tiny Atlas the staunchly independent woman moves nimbly; what’s 12 kilos of laptop and documents, books and clothes when you need to be prepared?
“We have to think ahead, get ready, develop the skills and knowledge to survive when things go wrong,” she said. “Learning how to be self reliant is essential.”
Despite regularly confronting horror and misery Dr Sari looks a decade younger than her 36 years and doesn’t fit the image of a dapper doctor from an elite campus. She has enough overseas experience and qualifications to set up a lucrative practice as a GP writing scripts for the worried well, but prefers to work with the damaged poor.
In any case white coats aren’t ideal for scrambling across shattered masonry and wading through mud and ash; victims are more interested in a doctor’s skill applying eye-pads than eyeliner.
Dr Sari has just spent a week studying the latest emergency response developments in New Zealand, a country that shares an uncomfortable place with Indonesia on the Ring of Fire. This is the geological feature that blows up mountains, tears the earth asunder and sweeps tree-high waves through villages.
The clean-up is still underway into the February 22 earthquake that killed 181 in the NZ city of Christchurch when a shallow 6.3 shock hit the central business district.
Also underway are the inquiries. Why did one building collapse while its neighbor shook, but stayed upright? Was the city prepared? What things could have been done differently?
One of the first places Dr Sari visited in Wellington was the hospital, which has been fitted with base isolators, a NZ invention. These large plugs of rubber and lead support the building on concrete piles set deep in the ground. It quivers, but doesn’t crumble.
“There’s no point in saving a hospital in an earthquake if the facilities inside can’t function,” said Dr Sari. “Ensuring the building is accessible, has electricity and water and the equipment is intact and working is equally important.”
Dr Sari is division manager for the Yogyakarta-based Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU).
After the fall of the Soeharto regime a series of natural and man-made emergencies demanded a humanitarian response that wasn’t always met by existing services.
Enter YEU in 2001 as an offshoot of the Christian Foundation for Public Health. A map of its activities marked with red dots makes the archipelago look like a bad case of chicken pox.
Dr Sari’s visit to NZ was sponsored by an NGO, the NZ-Indonesia Association and supported by the Indonesian Embassy.
Association president Nigel Connell, a civil engineer who has spent several years in Indonesia, said Dr Sari was invited to NZ to learn about the latest developments in responding to disasters.
She was also asked to share her experiences and skills. In a low-tech society, where natural disasters often occur in remote areas, victims without splints and pain killers must improvise to survive using local resources, like sandals for neck braces and banana leaves for bandages
Dr Sari’s parents are in business but she was more interested in community service. After studying for eight years at Gadjah Mada University she went to Timor Leste and worked in the emergency room at the Dili National Hospital.
Here she served alongside doctors and nurses from several nations where she learned that skills and compassion are more important than appearance and status.
Later she took specialist courses in disease management, studied for a Master of Nursing degree at Australia’s Charles Darwin University, and visited New Orleans after the 2005 hurricane Katrina.
After joining YEU she spent three and a half years in Aceh, arriving shortly
after the tsunami when hundreds of corpses still lay unburied. To get to the disaster site she had to battle soldiers demanding large sums for helicopter transport.
She’s witnessed more traumas and emotional distress than many of her Western counterparts yet remains resilient. Handling obstructionist authorities, distressed people who give up or become enraged, are jealous because they don’t get the best aid or resist help, is all part of the job
Along the way she also found time to marry an IT consultant and become a mother of twins.
“In NZ most families only shop once every week unlike Indonesia where a daily trip to the market is common,” said Dr Sari. “So Kiwi kitchens usually have lots of packaged food which would help the family survive for a few days.
“Deep under the Parliament in Wellington is the National Crisis Management Centre where senior officials can control disaster responses even if all power and communication systems outside have been destroyed.”
Dr Sari said she hoped her visit to NZ would encourage lecturers in disaster management to teach in Indonesia and for academics to use evidence-based research to determine the best emergency responses.
“I retain my medical registration, but feel more comfortable working in the field,” she said. “My visit to NZ has shown that we share many problems, but the responses are different. We need to empower people so they’re ready for disasters and can cope before the professionals come to the rescue.
“The reality is that this takes time. People need to know how to look after themselves and their neighbours. This is the message I want to deliver.”
Get Ready, Get Thru
Although NZ has sharp-edged mountains, dense forests and a rugged coastline battered by savage storms, most emergencies are within a helicopter flight of a major hospital.
Instant response crews are well equipped with sat-phones, thermal blankets and all the latest gadgets. The population is constantly battered by public-service messages urging people to join civil defence units and ‘Get Ready, Get Thru’.
Students are taught to ‘Drop, Cover and Hold’ during quakes, meaning dive under a table and hold its leg.
The government hands out check lists so people know what to prepare – flashlights, radios, water purification tablets and first-aid kits. ‘Grab-bags’ of resources can be bought for those too busy to prepare their own.
Not all Kiwi ideas can migrate easily to Indonesia. An education course called What’s the Plan, Stan? used by schools to prepare children for emergencies, features a cartoon dog. Unlike Indonesia, most NZ families have pets.
However the course could be modified to suit Muslim students, and is already being adapted for use in Pacific nations.
For more information see www.getthru.govt.nz
(First published in The Jakarta Post 25 Oct 2011)
Dr Sari's report:
New Zealand Visit Report
The Objectives of the visit :
Studying disaster management in New
Exploring the possibility of
cooperation in disaster management program such as capacity building (short
courses), research on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) issue and inviting experts
from New Zealand as a trainer in the training program.
One : Monday, October 10th, 2011
10 AM: Meeting with The Ambassador of
Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Agustinus
Sincere gratitude was addressed to
Embassy of Republic of Indonesia for all the assistance in realizing this
Introduce YAKKUM, YEU and Disaster
Oasis also the purpose of the visit to New Zealand which is not only for YAKKUM
organization but hopefully also could be useful for the government of Indonesia,
especially in raising awareness on the importance of disaster preparedness.
Mr. Duncan invited the Embassy to take
part in the visit to the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management
(MCDEM) and to the bunker, since this visit could help the government learns
about the administration and preparedness, therefore the government can operate
soon after a disaster happens.
11.30 AM: Meeting with Megan Devine, General Manager of Robinson Seismic, at Wellington Hospital and Te Papa Museum
At Wellington
Robinson Seismic found a way for
buildings to be more resistant to earthquakes by using base isolation system.
principle is that
the building not directly constructed
on the ground, but using a buffer. Therefore,
when an earthquake happens, the
building can follow the movements of the earthquake simultaneously. It will
protect not only the
building but also
its content. Thus, one
hospital can still operate
during a disaster.
Rubber usage is aimed to reduce shocks
and absorb some energy so that the building could go back into its former
water installations, electricity
and pipes are made flexible (not rigid) so that when a
disaster strikes, they are not damaged.
water reservoirs under
the parking floor in the basement, rather than on
the upper floor, because if the water
reservoirs are built above, it will
aggravate the shock when an
earthquake happens. The below water reservoirs
also serve to reduce the
shock because the heavier
bottom could serve as an anchor.
Build a kind of moat or gap surround
the building to give moving space for the
shaking building which hopefully could make the building move back
into its former place.
some spots, the building is
cut and given
rubber so that when
an earthquake happens, it does not collide.
Stairs are also made cut or separated
in the middle so that when an
earthquake happens, the bottom part
will be bound by the pole in the bottom
while the upper part would seem floating because there is another
bound on the upper part.
This system can be used for retrofitting the finished building. We can do it
by cutting the pillar and then put
the new pillar part that contains base isolation.
Visit the Te Papa Museum
Provided detail information about
There was earthquake simulation,
in the form of a room equipped with video and furniture which then moved as
if there was an earthquake
were some I nteresting games
(made into quiz) which also gave information on how to
strengthen buildings and furniture in it. For example, if you were in the
living room, what were the objects that must be strengthened and by what
Fix-Fasten-Forget: to strengthen the
attachment of one object into the wall and ensure the object not make much
moves or fall on the floor when an earthquake happens.
The arrangement in the museum is interesting that the message can be absorbed
well. For example, by laying baby box which is full of ruins from brick walls.
We can imagine what happens if there is a baby inside. It is for encouraging
people for avoiding the incident with good preparedness.
2 PM: Meeting with Charles Blanch,
Director of Emergency Management Team, Ministry of Health
Reading the paper made by Sari Mutia
Timur about Challenges of Establishing
Hospital Disaster Plan, Charles said New Zealand is also facing the similar
problem related to challenges on hospital disaster plan, such as the difficulty
of involving everyone in the disaster plan.
In New Zealand, the task of Ministry
of Health (MOH) is to provide guidelines and policies, monitor the program and
set priorities. While the task of District Health Boards (DHB) is to plan,
afford, and ensure health services.
Interesting message: to reach success
in disaster management, we need plagiarism. It means, we may watch and imitate
other areas which have successful disaster management program.
The challenge of preparedness plans in
a small country: a limited budget, the lack number of expertise and capacity to
handle extraordinary conditions.
Opportunities for preparedness plan in
a small country: small political intervention, shorter bureaucracy that leads
to faster changing, the risk of terrorism is low, focus on the more efficient
system, more innovative contingency plans and the well collaboration with
various stakeholders.
In New Zealand, after a disaster
occurs, the collapse hospital will still be built in the same place
Learning from the portaloo (portable
toilets) distribution; is not only to distribute it in any place, especially
when it is produced in limited number. It is better to be prioritized in
certain places such as near the clinic, Pharmacy.
In New Zealand, doctor does not hold
private practice but opens clinic in group. In every practice, MOH will provide
emergency kit for General Practitioner (GP) which contains materials and tools
that are often used during emergencies such as gauze, gloves, eye glasses, and
so on.
Clinical leadership is very important.
During crisis phase, there must be one
person who is appointed as spokesperson, thus that the information is
Checklist and information about
important phone numbers are made in certain size which could be inserted into
the pocket and easy to be carried everywhere.
It is necessary to have staff rotation
so that not all staffs come in one time and then overwhelming, while at the
other times there is no people since they are too tired.
The need to review preparedness plans
Day Two: Tuesday, October
11th, 2011
10 AM: Meeting with Chandrika Kumaran, Public Education Manager, Ministry of
Civil Defense and Emergency Department (MCDEM)
Regulations of Civil Defense published
in 2002 followed by strategy to implement those regulations.
MCDEM duty is to make people more
alert (community resilience), to raise awareness.
The information released should be
easily accessed by people and it is important to ensure that this information
delivered to the public so that they know what to do.
There are 3 levels of MCDEM:
At the National level is the Ministry
of Civil Defense and Emergency Management
At the Regional level there are 16
Civil Defense Emergency Management Groups
At the District and City level there
are 86 Councils
Formerly, the received budget is more
widely used to create advertisement through brochure and in the Yellow pages
which is quite expensive.
Since the budget is limited, then the
chosen priority falls into children program
At the beginning of the program, there
were many challenges to be faced. People always assume that disasters happen
elsewhere, not in their living place, and happen sometimes, not now.
However, when digging the public
opinion, we know what the barrier is à that is what
we overcome. In addition, when we were faced with the choice of saving someone
or something that we love, the community would do anything for their loved
ones, not because of the government regulations
After the Christchurch earthquake,
many parents ask about what can be taught to children, and how to educate the
children to save themselves.
Campaign Media being used is the mass
media like TV, radio, and print out
“What The Plan Stan” is made by
involving many stakeholders, include teachers and communication writers. So it
can be known what is needed by children and what makes children interesting à details are considered in the establishment of the module.
Include the selection of animal as a
mascot, like a dog for example, which is an animal that can be trusted, close
to children, and can open the barrier.
Be careful with the selection of a
mascot, because there are particular States that are sensitive to certain
animal such as dog; if so, than we can choose another animal like cat.
There are some teachers who refuse to
use the module because the curriculum in New Zealand has been full. Advice from
MCDEM is to integrate it with the existing curriculum.
This program also includes some home
works so that students take this knowledge home. In the process at home,
parents get new information from that home works.
“What the Plan Stand” Module consists
of three parts:
1. Resources for teachers à is completed
already, so as not to burden the teacher because everything have been compiled
in the CD Room. Module is arranged to ease the teacher, supplemented by sharing
examples of activities and information about simulation, so that the teachers
only need to implement it.
2. Source of learning for children aged 7-12 years
3. Additional information for students and families
Each story contains of information on
what to do before, during and after the earthquake that is made attractive;
includes photos, videos, quizzes, games and various links for further
information, so that when the children want to learn deeper about the module
information, they can seek information through the link provided.
The material is also equipped with
Audio CDs, where children can listen about how to deal with various disasters.
There is also a story book for
children, because principally, they try to make children interesting to learn
and explore, rather than create fear
MCDEM also made a video for pre-school
children, so they can understand the material easily, as well as for people
with special needs such as deaf and blind. The material is also in the Maori
language, which content has been adjusted to the Maori culture.
This program is evaluated every year,
but in the year 2010 held a more in-depth research to get better understanding
on the importance of this knowledge and which part is needed to be repaired.
It starts to be lots of requests from
outside to use this module. This program has a copy right to ensure that the
contents are not changed. As long as it is used for education, it does not
matter, but if it is used for business, they object it.
There is an interesting story that is
when one student who got a lesson from his teacher was then having a holiday in
Samoa and saw the signs of a tsunami. She could save the lives of his families
and many people around the beach. Once she arrived at home, she immediately
called her teacher to say thank you.
MCDEM also disseminates information in
9 languages, because many migrants in New Zealand do not understand English
Sometimes MCDEM meets constraints when
making the information delivered as simple as possible for the children and
made it only in one page. Many experts object it, since much information is
National Public education program aims
Increase awareness
Improve understanding
Encourage people to be alert
The difference between Civil Defense
and Insurance is that the insurance is thinking about property while Civil
Defense is thinking about saving lives.
the National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC)
around the bunker under the parliament building. The purpose of building the
bunker is to prepare in case of disaster, so that the government can still
operate. The bunker is equipped with:
pager, mobile phone, home phone, satellite phone and microwave phone
independent water installations
independent generator set
computer is in standby position, has battery and its reserves
are several meeting rooms
dining room; where the equipments are fastened to the wall so that when the
disaster happens, it do not move or broken until put its surrounding in danger,
such as microwave, water heater, stove, etc
are logistics of food for 50 people for 3 weeks
is first aid room
is a room for media and room for interview
barrier is, if people stay for days inside, people cannot get enough sunlight
and fresh air
they are prepared, so they have independent electrical system, communication
and water storage, so all facilities have been prepared.
12 AM: Having lunch with Dr. Miriam Hughes, PhD, Public Education Advisor from the Joint Center for Disaster Research, School of Psychology
12 AM: Having lunch with Dr. Miriam Hughes, PhD, Public Education Advisor from the Joint Center for Disaster Research, School of Psychology
has read the paper of Challenges of Establishing Hospital Disaster Plan, and
all mentioned problems are similar to the problems encountered by Dr. Miriam.
Miriam had experience working in China and is currently focus to work on topic:
why the disaster plan did not work, what parts that cannot be implemented, so
that it can be repaired.
to have research in Indonesia
There is
an invitation from
“Call for Paper” (due to April 1st, 2012)
with topic: from warnings
to effective response
and recovery and the Short
Course on Emergency Management
1.30 PM: Meeting with Fred Mecoy, Wellington Emergency
Management Office (WEMO)
the building is often not used, so it disposes the resources, but now is used
for training or meeting.
is intended to make people prepare to face disaster, can help each other when
disaster happens, and recover quickly from a state of disaster and emergency.
under the 2002 CDEM Regulations.
office building although from the outside seems like a regular house but is
prepared with earthquake-resistant design. It is made of wood and do not use
nails, just nuts. The tables in the room can be folded so it can be neater.
communication room is arranged in such a way that the system could be more
building has its own water supply, generator, and drainage, so that when a
disaster happens, they can be independent and continue to operate
have a dining room and rest room, so that the staff’s comfort is noted. By
considering the basic needs of the staffs, they are expected to be more focus
and productive, rather than thinking about trivial things.
have a program to recruit volunteers with the criteria as well. The preferred volunteer
is the community leader, intelligent, has skills, and willing to be volunteer
for 2 years. After that, he will be trained for 7 weeks. Since the investment
spent for volunteer is large enough, therefore they also demand long
volunteers are taught about personal preparedness, health and safety, stress
management, welfare, information management, how to analyze it, radio
communications, traffic management, water distribution, etc.
should be involved in 4 events per year, includes helping local school or
social events.
a volunteer they can choose the level of involvement:
volunteers are people who concern about community, have completed the training,
and want to participate regularly in monthly training and meeting.
volunteers are people whose skills are needed after a disaster such as nurses,
builders, etc; and do not have much time, but can attend at least 1 training
per year.
volunteers are companies or organizations that can help before and during
disaster. For example, they can provide storage for emergency goods or by
allowing their staffs to attend one day training.
anything happens, people are asked to contact the nearest Civil Defense Centre,
so they need to know where the nearest local Civil Defense is, as well as the
local preparedness plan includes the evacuation routes, and the safe meeting
times of disaster, Civil Defense Centers are managed by volunteers. Usually the
location is in the school or community centers.
listen to local radio station, where the Civil Defense Centers will give
announcement or instruction.
Civil Defense task is to collect information about the impact of disaster and
provide information for WEMO.
‘control’ has horizontal line, while the ‘command’ has vertical line.
New Zealand, the term ‘control and command’ is avoided, so it is replaced with
‘control and coordination’. An Emergency Operation Center (EOC) cannot give
orders to the senior police officer, but only ask for their help to observe
certain parts which are included in the authority and duty of the police
closely with police officers and firefighters.
services to deliver emergency information through mobile phone, as long as you
register first. Information by phone is sent in case of a serious disaster or
dangerous condition, such as major accident, terrorist, etc.
New Zealand, you will be directly connected to the Police, Firefighters, and
Ambulance, once you dial 111. Just select the one that you want to contact.
With the simple telephone number, it could be memorized easily even by
is emphasized that at the time of disaster, communication must be hectic. It is
expected that the people call only if necessary.
weakness in New Zealand is the lack of communication and individualism (do not
know about their neighbors).
use various ways to increase awareness. Sometimes they held seminar at
lunchtime, because in New Zealand everyone went to lunch at the café. There is
an awareness week, which could be held at the mall, school or university by
opening stand. They create innovative ballpoint that contains preparedness
campaign materials are made simple, so that people want to read them, and not
feel difficult to do it. The material’s lay out is seriously concerned includes
the color selection. This material received an award from the International
Association of Emergency Managers 2010 Global Award-Public Awareness.
essence of their campaign is about the people that are expected to be able to
prepare themselves to survive for 3-5 days once a disaster happens, without any
assistance from other parties. Recommendation from Civil Defense is to store
drinking water and food that meets the need for 3 days.
items that are included in the Emergency Survival Items:
least 3 liters of drinking water per person per day for the needs of 3 days. More
inventory will be better. If calculated for washing, bathing, and cooking, the
need per person is 15 liters per day. If having a pet, the needs will increase.
Store the water in a dark place; do not expose it directly to sunlight. Do not
forget to replace them every 12 months (tap the date of the filling in the
water bottle).
supply for 3 days in minimum.
cooking utensils, such as barbecue, can opener, and knife.
and waterproof clothing and sturdy shoes.
and supplements for baby.
anda toilet paper.
with spare batteries.
with spare batteries.
and pen.
aid kit.
WEMO reminds the importance of family
planning. For example, how can one family are united when they are separated
during a disaster, while the telephone and public transportation is not active.
So, it must be determined about what are needed to be done, and where is the
possible place to meet. It would be better if there are contact persons outside
the city, so they can contact that person when separated. Make sure the
children understand this plan.
In family planning, please ensure
about the one who is in charge to pick up the children from school, and then
give his name to the school, so that the school is well informed about him.
addition, determine the one who has to turn off the gas and electricity.
Everyone should know the place to turn the electricity and gas off.
challenge for Indonesia is that the people do not like to read and rarely use
or read map.
Zealand implements the building codes and earthquake-resistant structures.
best advice when the earthquake starts to strike is ‘Drop, Cover and Hold’.
Drop down, take cover under solid furniture, and hold tight, or take cover away
from the building to the street, or away from windows, bookcases, etc.
Actually, the movement caused by earthquakes rarely cause death or wound
directly. Death and wound due to the earthquake is mostly caused by the
crumbling walls, scattered glass, and falling objects due to vibration.
3.30 PM: Meeting with the Director of several PhD Candidates at Massey
Joint Center for Disaster Research
Share about YEU, that as an NGO had a
lot of data but rarely use it because of the limited time.
On the other side, YEU also has the
demand to ensure that the handling which has been done is correct and is based
on scientific evidence.
Today, what has been done is little
research on accountability in Pariaman to prove that YEU is accountable not
only to donors but also to the community.
Question: in what level does the
community be involved? Answer: since the beginning of the process, like
assessment, planning, implementation, up to monitoring and evaluation.
Comments: very good because it is rarely carried out by NGOs.
Question: what is expected from this
visit? Answer: there will be cooperation to conduct joint research and there
are one or two staffs who will teach at YEU Training Center. Training Center
also functions as laboratory for YEU.
Training Center is made with the
intent to disseminate YEU experience so that all people can get such learning
as what we get. YEU not only provides assistance during disasters but also
provides knowledge and skills to make the community more prepared when disaster
strikes again.
Invitation to examine the psychosocial
impact on Lapindo refugees because lost of PhD candidates who examine the
condition found the influence of post-disaster on the family. Lapindo case is
included in chronic disaster, and not many agencies that can help, while the
attention from the government is also small. So this study can be used as an
advocacy from neutral party (expert).
Sharing: Katrina refugees who still
get no indemnity from the insurance provider, since the incident is considered
flood only, and not a disaster. On one
hand there is rejection from the community near the new residential who refuse
the coming of the refugees surround them , with reason that their existence
will lower the value of their property, will increase the crime, etc.
YEU also tells about how to give first
aid medical training by using materials that are easily found around them like
slippers, banana bark, door, etc.
The comment of Massey director: very
interesting, we will follow this up and allow Massey to create link with YEU
Training Center.
Joint Center for Disaster Research has
started in 2006 in partnership with GNS Science
6 PM: Presentation at Tawa, Rotary Club
Mr. William Russell explains the
history PRY and its relation to the population of New Zealand through Mr.
Question: When YEU provides capacity
building for the population around Merapi Mountain, how is the house design looks
like? Answer: People are actually refusing to be relocated. They even want to
live in the dangerous area because after the eruption, usually the soil becomes
fertile. YEU gives understanding that the area is really dangerous and
uninhabitable. For the case of Merapi Mountain, we only suggest the people to
move. There is no special house design to face the mountain eruption. But to
face the earthquake, YEU gives capacity building for the builders about how to
build a house that is more resistant to earthquake.
Question: Is there any difficulty in
giving response at Myanmar? Answer: Yes, at the beginning, YEU thought that the
condition was similar to Aceh, but it was different. YEU found difficulties to
hold a training in remote areas since it is not permitted by the military for
more than three people mingle together. So we had to bring them into town to
get training.
Question: how to make the society well
prepared? Answer: When disaster strikes, YEU provides response or service. But
after that, YEU do not leave directly, but provide additional knowledge and
skills for the community to be prepared for facing the disaster. After that,
together with the community create the preparedness plan and determine the
evacuation routes as well as the safe points. So if a disaster occurs again,
then the people will be more prepared, especially during a disaster, people
sometimes also become the first responder.
Sharing about Disaster training
center: YEU wants to share the experience that they have gained to others, not
to be kept alone. Therefore, besides providing assistance or services during a
disaster, they also provide skills and knowledge, so that people can be more
prepared to face disaster.
Sharing about Logistic: at the
beginning of the disaster, YEU distribute the goodies needed by the community.
We ensure that it is not only the basic needs that are fulfilled, but also
their fundamental rights. The challenge is on the abundant of assistance
provided that are not sensitive to the needs of specific group, such as the
lack of sanitary napkins, or the abundant of instant noodles but no baby food.
At the time of rehabilitation reconstruction, YEU discuss together about what
is needed by the community, so it is
not only from our point of view, but we also have to make sure that they
mention what they need, not what they want.
Mr. Bill adds the information that Mr.
Collin just helps to search the funds, rather than being part of the management
and he does not intend to intervene.
Three; Wednesday, October 12, 2011
9.30 AM: Visit GNS Science (Geological
and Nuclear Science)
Established since 2001, GNS aims to
improve the detection and understanding of geological hazards. It is expected
that the resulted information can help the community to be more secure.
GNS supports Emergency Management
Agencies to plan and prepare the more effective disaster response. GNS also has
interest in increasing public awareness.
The last GNS project in Indonesia,
their client is NZ Aid. Project name: Increasing the Disaster Risk Management
Capacity of Local Government in Indonesia through DRM training workshops and
guidelines for local government and partner agencies. Description: Development
and delivery of 5 year targeted program of Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
training workshops and supporting guidelines aimed at both senior Indonesia
executives and practitioners in local government and partner agencies.
GNS Science has several programs in
various regions in Indonesia. Beginning in 1995 in Sumatra, Aceh, Yogyakarta,
Nias, and Central Java, GNS also ever had helped the AHA (ASEAN Coordinating
Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management) center in Jakarta.
Currently GNS has Disaster Management
program with the Gadjah Mada University.
In Samoa, GNS Science involved the community
to participate in the program and also paid attention to the local culture.
Danger signs and evacuation sites are discussed together so that it can be
understood and accepted by the community. The communities are also taught to
use the Global Positioning System (GPS).
The danger signs that are placed; are
not only showing that the area has high risk but also showing the evacuation
routes and safe areas.
Ensuring sustainability of the program
is very challenging. Programs that cost benefit and can be distributed, can be
regarded as a sustainable program.
Visiting the Victoria University to see
the Victoria University Awareness Week
As an effort to raise the awareness of
preparedness, Civil Defense held a mini exhibition such as the spreading of preparedness
messages through brochure, pen, and booklet. The exhibition is maintained by
3 PM: Meeting with New Zealand Aid at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
(MFAT) is responsible for managing New Zealand Aid Program and cooperate with
various partners including governmental organizations, regional and
multilateral bodies such as civil societies, NGOs, community groups, private
sectors, consultants and contractors.
MFAT has several ways in terms of
managing the fund through NZ Aid programs. Direct assistance is given to help
communities and individuals meet their basic needs such as providing funds for
community health projects. The indirect aid helps create and support social,
economy, culture and environmental conditions to reduce poverty. For example is
by providing technical advisors to provide capacity building and institutional
Having a bilateral aid program in
Indonesia which is the largest program outside the Pacific.
Regarding the AHA Center, it is a very
challenging program. NZ Aid helps technically, while Indonesia is the task
Their focus today are:
Promote sustainable economic
Human resource development
The safe and fair community
Day Four: Thursday, October 13th, 2011
10.30 AM: Visit the Emergency Management
Academy of New Zealand (EMANZ) to meet Peter Healy
Is part of Tai Poutini Polytechnic.
Provides various outstanding emergency
management education courses with good quality and internationally recognized
Recognized by IAEM (International
Association of Emergency)
EMANZ also can provide training which
is based on customer’s need. The training has been equipped with module and
training material that are multiplied by EMANZ independently.
Training participants come from
various backgrounds as well as from companies.
The training method is more on
practices and discussions; lecturing is not much, so that the participants are
made active and interacts with other participants, for example is by providing
a case or scenario.
Some examples on the existing training
Emergency Preparedness, consists of several
trainings such as:
Core Skills
CDEM Welfare
Workplace First Aid
Aircraft Safety
Fire Extinguisher, etc
Emergency Flood Response, consists of several trainings such as:
Flood response
Swift Water Safety
Swift Water Responder
CDEM Communication, etc
Emergency Storm Response, consists of several trainings such as:
Storm Response
CDEM Communications
Chainsaw operations: for the responder
or contractor who sometimes uses a chainsaw to clear the road or make access
Hazmat Safety, etc
Emergency Rescue, consists of several trainings such as:
Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)
Awareness, for responder who responds to the collapsed building such as those
found in the earthquake and landslide
Workplace First Aid
General rescue
Start Triage
Pre-Hospital Emergency Care, includes
the ability to perform on-site assessment and management, treatment and
management of patients, monitoring patients, moving patients, and using the DC
CDEM Response Leadership, consists of several trainings such as:
CIMS (Coordinating Incident Management
Command Tactics
CDEM Welfare Supervisor
Media Awareness etc
Training held from 1 day up to 5 days
EMANZ is interested to cooperate with
YEU in order to enrich the training, since YEU has experiences in the field
Communities are expected to be able to
survive independently for at least 3 days
Provide some tools such as:
Office kits, includes the Civil
Defense Cabinets or wheelie kits, usually provided in offices or schools
First Aid kits more than 1-100 people
Get away kits/grab and go kits
Water storage tank of 5 liters up to
25,000 liters
Torches and light sticks
Emergency Equipment such as stretcher
Pandemic supplies such as masks,
gloves and glasses
Emergency food can be stored for 5
years. 1 package can meet the needs for 3 days per person. No need to be cooked
or special preparation, solid, and economical. It is made into solid so that it
does not take too much space. It does not need water and does not make thirsty.
It contents of mineral and vitamin. The taste was not created like chocolate,
sweet, or very delicious to be eaten. The goal is that people will not like
these foods too much until they even often consume it and not save it anymore.
So, it is to avoid the daily consumption, in the absence of disaster
.There is a larger Survival food
package, which is for 5-7 people for 3 days. It can be stored for 3 days. The
items included in the package are sachets of food that can be eaten whether
cold or heated, instant noodles, chocolate, powdered drink that can be taken
with hot water or cold water, water purification tablets, and water-resistant
Blanket to avoid cold weather. Be
careful, because long time usage can create the discomfort since the body is
seemed to be boiled / hot.
Home kits include the survivor kits
and shelter
The package for school children
These tools should be available in
homes, schools, offices and working environment as well as in the car.
Civil Defense cabinet is the zinc
coated steel cabinet to protect from damages and fires. The stored items
include the stairs, saws, hammers, axes, and knives.
What is included in the personal
safety are:
1. Blanket
2. Hand washing liquid
3. Gloves
4. Mask
5. Eye glasses
6. Helm
7. Whistle
8. Ear plugs
9. Roll tissue
10. Survival pad
Unfortunately, the guard who welcomed
us was just worked for few days. She informed that according to information,
the radio that uses battery is more recommended than the radio without a
battery (with dynamo), but unfortunately she could not provide information
about the reason.
Products are colored in orange to be
easily seen, although customer can order it in other colors.
The safe place to store the equipments
is in the garage, warehouse, in front of the front door, or other location
which is possibly experienced the minor damage during an earthquake.
Cooperate with Civil Defense and EMANZ
so that the messages delivered
to the community are the similar.
Offer trainings such as:
Seminar on Fire Safety
Evacuation Courses
Fire Extinguisher Courses
Height Safety and Rescue Courses
Civil Defense Emergency Management
To ensure the maintenance of tools and
continuous supplies, Survive-It provides service to ease their loyal customers
A review and restocking of existing
Survive-It will come to the workplace to discuss and review the
existing tools. From the results of the meeting, they will make a report which
includes details of equipment’s prices and supplies that are recommended (to
replace the depleted items or to add more items). This report is made based on
tools that are already existed in the workplace, the number of working people,
the size of company, and recommendation from the Civil Defense.
A six monthly or annual inspection.
Survive-it also provides a six monthly or annual inspection to
ensure all emergency equipments are in place and can be used including the
stock of food checking (whether there are expired items or not). Later, they
will make a report with recommendations to replace or add the equipments
including its pricing details. This process will ensure that existing
equipments and supplies are in accordance with the Civil Defense recommendations.
Filling the water container or water
Survive-it offers service for water filing or water refills every 6
or 12 months. At each examination, the number of employee that is compared with
the available amount of water is always considered. If you have filled the
water or having water refills, the date will be tapped.
Day Five: Friday, October 14th, 2011
9.45 AM: Visit New
Zealand Council of Christian Social Services to meet Paul Barber
New Zealand Council of Christian
Social Services (NZCCSS) represents six denominations: Anglican Care Network,
Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian social services agencies, Methodist and
Salvation Army. They are responsible for 500 social services locations
throughout New Zealand.
Services are provided for children,
families, the elderly, emergency services, housing, finance, disability,
dependency, community development, and job placement.
Sharing about similar concern on the
importance of disaster preparedness, partnership, and equality.
Sharing about the role of church in
Indonesia in which the present church also held a simulation and received
preparedness training includes knowing evacuation routes, security, and safety.
Activities involving other religions are also begun to be improved.
Encourage the church to take more
strategic role during a disaster such as information or psychosocial support.
CWS does not help the ACT (Action by
Churchess Together) Indonesia directly, but they do send aid to the ACT
NZCCSS emphasized attention to the
poor and marginalized people.
Insurance sometimes cannot provide
full compensation.
Hoping to exchange experiences and
learn each other about church services in the respective States.
1 PM: Visit
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to meet Steve Brazier, Director of
Security and Risk Group (SRG)
SRG assignment is to lead governmental
inter-agency coordination. Coordination will be easier if mingle in one room,
so that the coordination will not be a matter. Security and Risk Group will
provide direction in terms of strategy, policy and operations to strengthen
national security and stability.
SRG works with government agencies,
local government, and national security unit that aims to:
ü Strengthen early warning on the security issues that emerged
ü Review and evaluate the potential risks that affect the national
ü Identify the potential of vulnerabilities and its consequences
ü Set options to control risks
ü Develop management strategies for government
ü Coordinate planning and response about security risks
This department has full authority to
give directions and if necessary, close the access so that the visitors could
not enter as they like.
SRG needs to understand the latest
security risks that arise to develop long term strategies of mitigation,
preparedness, and risk management.
SRG is responsible for giving
appropriate, relevant, accurate and punctual advice to the Prime Minister about
issues that affect the security conditions of New Zealand. SRG’s key role is
supporting the Prime Minister in leading the rapid national response which is
interconnected in handling the security and disaster crisis, and ensuring the
Prime Minister to be always informed on important issues.
If the disaster is not severe, the one
that becomes the leader is the Local council, since the Local council is the
available resource.
Need to consider about the importance
of staff rotation because staff cannot work continuously, since it will not be
effective. If they are forced, few days later will even be counter-productive
because of stress.
Information management is very
Determine who will be the spoke
person, select people who have integrity and trustable. This person should
always provide information and data consistently. Do not always change this
person, and select the senior staff.
New Zealand society has zeal: CAN DO
SPIRIT and it is so important to maintain the spirit.
Preparedness culture is really strong,
so they are always preparing for the worst conditions: ‘What Happens if ...’
make people think ahead and are prepared.
New Zealand society has also been used
to store foods because mostly shopping the daily needs once a week or more.
The people are also used to be
independent, try to rely on their individual power.
Presentation at the Embassy
Embassy invited a number of guests who have
been visited for 1 week and other invited guests. The presentation is intended
to explain the intention and purpose of visit as well as share about what has
been learned while in New Zealand.
Preparedness is very useful if applied
in Indonesia, but it also needs support from the Government to be successful,
cannot just rely on NGO (Non Government
Organization) or one stakeholder only. NGO must cooperate with the government.
It is good to do two-way approach, whether top down and bottom up.
connection with the problems in implementing the Hospital disaster plan that
seems to be similar between Indonesia and New Zealand, what are the learning
gained during the visit in New Zealand? If only emphasizes the importance of
disaster plan and its connection to the accreditation, or the requirement from
the government, then the disaster plan will be difficult to appy. But by
emphasizing that once the disaster plan is implemented, it will save our loved
ones, then that is the stronger booster.
the things learned in New Zealand will be applied in Indonesia? Obviously must
be adjusted to the context of Indonesia. It cannot be adopted directly, but has
to be modified due to the different culture. For example, the people in New
Zealand are used to store food, but in Indonesia, people tend to shop food
ingredients every day because the market is near.
about YEU that has Training Center which trains people, children, local
government and NGO to be prepared; for example are medical first aid and disaster
preparedness. The trainings are more emphasized on local approach, so communitu
try to use the tools that are available surround the community, such as the use
of slippers to replace the neck brace/neck collar, or use banana stalk to
replace splint. So, YEU is not only do emergency response during disaster, but
also try to equip the people with knowledge and skills so that they are
prepared for facing the disaster and know what to do when a disaster occurs
again, because at the time of disaster, it is the people who become first
about YEU who experienced about how the treatment from various other NGOs is
actually made the beneficiaries jealous, since they received different
assistance from different NGOs. For example is the housing aid in the tsunami
project. Although formerly the people’s house is the stage house, but since
some NGOs build permanent houses, people then required the permanent house to
be built.
Day Six: October 15th, 2011
gathering (Arisan) of Indonesian
YEU as disaster response and preparedness agency, and tell the work as well as
experience carried out by YEU these far.
There had been interesting questions: “Which is more recommended for safety; to hide under the table or beside the table, because there is information about the
There had been interesting questions: “Which is more recommended for safety; to hide under the table or beside the table, because there is information about the
triangle of life”.
Answer: if we read the materials in ‘What the plan Stan’, there will be discussion about it, and hiding under the table is still the best suggestion, instead of beside the table.
Lesson learned
information both rules and important numbers are made as simple as possible
with considerable size that made it possible to be brought anywhere and
anytime; for example is the message that can be kept into the pocket.
hospital, at the time of disaster, it is not only the building which is
concerned, but also the facilities inside that are possible to be saved, so
that the hospital still able to operate.
delivering message, try to deliver the strong message, so that other people
will remember and willing to follow.
education should be considered nationally and introduced early especially to
children and for all people, as well as people with special needs, and also to
give knowledge to the parents (due to the homework that is carried home).
contents of preparedness materials should be arranged seriously, so that the
material is complete and in detail. Therefore, preparedness becomes easy and
simple that eventually makes people feel happy to comply it.
plan is made in detail and always think of the alternative arrangement.
ready for the worst. People are also prepared to be able to survive
independently for 3 days or more.
communication system is made simple and easy to remember; for example, by
dialing 111 you will be connected with the Police, Ambulance, and Fire
is considered seriously, modules and materials have been prepared before.
stakeholders that is associated with the disaster and preparedness cooperate
and complement each other, not working on their own. The message delivered is
also the similar.
campaigns are carried out in various ways.
meetings, at the welcoming speech, it is necessary to mention the exit door and
the mingle point or evacuation place.
in disaster prone areas
attention on the issue of disaster risk reduction
that disaster cannot be prevented but can be reduced on the
High awareness
Low and often happens misused like:
issue is often blown after the earthquake, so there is a chance to loot
the ambulance passed, road users do not want to pull over because in some
cases the ambulance is in fact not bringing patient or even empty but asking
a way
in hospital hides their triage status, because they assume that is their card
is green, they will be rarely visited, compare to those with the red card.
preparedness, always ready with the worst conditions ... What Happens if ...
because consider the disaster does not come any time and happens elsewhere
preparedness campaign is integrated, not running on their own
campaign is running on their own
have reading culture
used to read a map, so when talking about distance is not relative
low, so that when talking about distance, only say ‘far’ or ‘near’, which
size is relative
daily needs once a week, so accustomed to store food
the market every day, so rarely store food for a long time
Can do spirit
yet familiarized, tend to accept the situation as it is
to preparedness, YEU office noticed the parking of vehicle, which is facing the
exit gate, so it will ease the exit of vehicles especially in case of disaster.
Israel, the condition of the elderly and persons with disabilities still able
to be monitored, in order to ensure their safety and security. For those
elderly who live alone, they will use two-way transmitter that has been
connected with the Yad Sarah computer for 24 hours. By pressing the button in
their bracelet, they will be automatically connected to the organization’s
control room by phone, where there is a screen that displays the name of the
caller, his address, his medical history, the language he is speaking, the
telephone numbers of his relatives, neighbors, doctors, and the nearest health
clinic. Usually they call because of the serious problem or just want to talk.
Website address: http://www.yadsarah.org/index.asp?id=198
Website address: http://www.yadsarah.org/index.asp?id=198
Follow-up Plan after visit
experience with YEU staff
November 18th, 2011
Review on the SOP of YEU Disaster
November 19th - Desember 2nd,
Review on the Child Preparedness module
Januari 4th – Januari 25th,
Review on the Disaster Plan module
Desember 2nd - Desember 23rd,
Creating preparedness messages
November 19th – Desember 23rd,
of YAKKUM Medical Response Team
On going
training and coaching on Hospital Disaster Plan
ToR has been proposed, waiting for
feedback from other hospital’s unit
the courses offered by Massey to other stakeholders including YAKKUM, and
listing those who are interested and anyone who's interested
Done. Now is only waiting for feedback
from other YAKKUM’s units.
the idea of sending graduates of Nurses and Midwives from YAKKUM to New
Zealand with educational unit
November 14th, 2011
the announcement of ‘Call for Paper’ on April 2012 in New Zealand
networking with all stake holders that have been visited
On going
Massey Joint Center For Disaster Research
Proposing a joint research offer
• Create a joint proposal for the short course’s fund |
On going
Emergency Management Academy of New
Zealand (EMANZ)
a joint proposal for the short course’s fund
On going
the Centre for Disaster Studies of UGM for possible cooperation
End of November 2011
preparedness campaign held each year
At the end of October 2011
has been held a series of preparedness campaign for children and teenagers.
For the year 2012: the campaign is targeted for women For the year 2013: the campaign is targeted for the elderly For the year 2014: the campaign is targeted for people with disabilities |
for the Government of Indonesia:
Participate / facilitate the programs for building disaster preparedness
capacity of BPBD and the villages affected by the eruption of Merapi (and
other disaster) by ensuring the contingency plan includes the materials
studied in New Zealand
Collaborate with BNPB in preparing Yogyakarta to become the host of AMCDRR,
and ensure the community-based disaster preparedness becomes one of the
materials that will be discussed on the agenda
: Explore the feasibility of developing the advanced disaster preparedness
On going
meetings, at the welcoming speech, it is necessary to mention the exit door
and the mingle point or evacuation place.
Related Link
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