Sunday, July 23, 2023



Federated Australian Scriptural Christians In Secular Times

We now have firm evidence that the Holy Book was seized by global Satanic forces and mistranslated centuries ago, creating the foundation for the seven plagues now laying waste to our precious souls.

Our leaders have been searching the Aramaic texts for the algorithms that will reveal what He really meant.  They’ve already discovered that Jesus never said ‘blessed are the poor and meek’ but ‘blessed are the pure and mighty.’‘

The Voice is the latest plagiarism, suggesting that it’s a divine message shafting through the Resurrection clouds to transform society.  Yet everyone knows it was cobbled together by a mob of 666 pagans sitting in the dirt planning to hijack good government.

It  calls for ‘unity’ and ‘respect’; these are false ideas, for the Lord in His wisdom made us different for a purpose. He knew White is Right, so has shown us The Way through colour coding

As our founder / protector and former MP Craig Kally has often said:  ‘All photos of Jesus clearly show him as a Caucasian. They were taken long before digital manipulation was invented so we know these cannot be fake.’

We call upon all upstanding men to lift their hands high to stop the sky falling.

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